Girls Who Code

@ Avon High School

Extra Extra GWC is in the News

Reporters from Valley Life came to visit and interview some of our club members. Thanks for helping us spread the word about our club. We hope this will encourage new members to come and write some code! Read the article here.

Special Guest Jon Strassner from Humanscale

The focus for our CS Impact Project is global warming. Tonight we had a special guest, Jon Strassner, who is a sustainablility expert. We learned a lot about plastic waste and its harmful effects on the ocean. We also learned about a company called Bureo that is reclaiming ocean plastic and making it into skateboards. Really inspiring!

Working Together

Haley and Sneha puzzling out a math problem. Teamwork and learning from each other are some of our club goals.

Building Games in Scratch

Makena and Kate are hard at work on a global warming game for our CS Impact Project

CS Impact Project Brainstorming

We started off our first club meeting of the new year by identifying real world problems we can solve with our CS Impact Project. When we put our heads together we came up with lots of ideas! Next we'll pick a focus and start coding.

Introducing Blinky

Meet our new robot friend, Blinky! We built Blinky using the mBot Ranger kit.

Fun with the Makey Makey

Today we built a banana piano with our Makey Makey kit!

Congressional App Challenge Winners

GWC members Dheepa and Jaya present their winning chemistry app. Congratulations!